Media Awards Reviews

Write detailed reviews on your coursework blog about your two favourite productions explaining why you think they’re effective. For Media Language, make sure you think about...

- cinematography/camerawork: composition, framing, BCU, CU, MS, LS, pan, tilt, tracking shot, zoom
- mise-en-scéne: clothing, props, gestures, facial expressions, sets, setting (CLAMPS)
- lighting: key light, back light, filler light; underlighting, top lighting, back lighting; low-key/high-key lighting
- sound: diegetic/non-diegetic; on/off screen, sound bridge; parallel/contrapuntal sound, voiceover narration
- editing: continuity editing, jump cut, dissolve, wipe, fade in/out, cross-cutting, paralleling, cutaways, montage, suturing (shot/reverse shot)

First production review: The Lurking Crow

This was my favourite A-Level production and stood out to me the most from what I saw that night, notably for its cinematography. The camera work was engaging with the use of different camera shots, including close-ups and medium long shots that also served as establishing shots for the location. The use of close-ups and top lighting on the face helped to emphasise the fear of the character in the last sequence, helping to incorporate horror genre conventions. This was also emphasised by the use of the mise-en-scene, with the use of casual clothing for costume and the chiaroscuro lighting effect creating an unsettling juxtaposition

Second production review: Intuition

I also enjoyed how this A-Level production used horror genre conventions to create a sense of unease. The mise-en-scene stood out the most with its setting of a home being well-lit using high-key lighting, top lights and back lights, creating even lighting which at first makes the home feel comfortable and familiar to the audience. For cinematography, the camera work was steady and there were multiple tracking shots, giving the audience the experience of being followed.


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