Ignite presentation learner response

1) Type up your feedback in full including the ratings out of five for each of the categories. 

- Embedded PowerPoint, excellent slides with bullet points and use of images
- Very fluent + good vocabulary
- Clear concept re: love + challenging stereotypes
- Mise-en-scene detailed (lighting + good locations) 
- Camerawork, use of close-ups explained + editing
- Theorists mentioned: Goodwin, Neale, Butler + van Zoonen
- Demographics & psychographics, Blumler and Katz
- Product placement, digital convergence (Shirky) 
- Excellent presentation skills 
- Detailed research, double the word count with highlighted key words, 900 word statement

- Explain connotations and meaning behind the band name and magazine name

Research = 5/5
Coursework concept = 5/5
Language: terminology and theory = 5/5
Representations = 5/5
Audience and industry / digital convergence = 5/5
Presentation delivery = 5/5

2) Use this feedback, comments from peers and your own reflection on your presentation to self-assess and write your own detailed WWW and EBI for your coursework concept and presentation as a whole.

WWW: My presentation was successful with covering all aspects of media language, representations and audience and industry, including details on digital convergence. I mentioned 6 theorists throughout my presentation and explained their links to my concept and work. Each decision behind my mise-en-scene, cinematography, editing and product placement was also linked back to my concept. I was mostly well rehearsed for the presentation. 

EBI: While I did speak fluently with a lot of content to present, I feel that I could have spoken slower with a little more clarity if I had planned exactly what to say on each slide or simply gone over it more. I could have also spoken more about what exactly will happen in the music video, for example mentioning my treatment. Some of my slides also had too much content at times, when I could have simplified all of them into key words. 

3) Write a paragraph discussing how your presentation will lead into your actual coursework production. Do you need to update your statement of intent? Does your concept offer enough clarity? Is it appropriate for the audience specified in the brief? Is it achievable to film with the resources you have available? Can you add media terminology or theory to your statement of intent now you have reflected on your presentation and seen others? 

For my coursework production, I was able to essentially create initial plans for every aspect of the music video and magazine in order to make sure I meet the AQA brief. Moving forward, I need to focus on the actual contents of the video, which I have begun to plan out but will continue with a more detailed treatment. My concept and usage of shots is very clear to me through the presentation so my next steps for the video are to research the cinematography and editing of music videos with similar concepts and music. For the music magazine, I need to work more on planning the photoshoots, interview and the overall aim of the interview and magazine release, which will be to introduce the already popular artist duo to a more mainstream audience. I also want to focus on the connotations and meanings of the band name (Nuclear Seasons) and the music magazine title (Amplify). 


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